Please Welcome New Franchisees To The Team


Grasshopper Soccer HQ would like to introduce you to our latest franchisees from the Newcastle and Hunter Valley Region of NSW.

Meet Corey and Belinda Henderson. They were both born in the Lake Macquarie area, living there for now over forty years. They have three children, love a good holiday and are also foster carers for Dog Rescue Newcastle. Corey has worked in the hospitality and painting industries and Belinda is a qualified Counsellor. They currently both work for a large not-for-profit specialising in community services and have done so for a combined 28 years. 

Corey and Belinda have an active family and are always on the go and love sports. Daughter Jasper is a state champion 400m runner, son Knox plays junior soccer, other son Bondi is actively training in Muay Thai, Belinda who love a good HIIT class and Corey also highly active with playing hockey and also training in Muay Thai. 

When it comes to soccer, the entire family are Newcastle Jets fans.

Corey and Belinda said “We came across Grasshopper Soccer when we were looking for a small business opportunity and felt that we were a great match for this industry. Becoming a business partner for the community to provide a safe and support environment for children to develop their gross motor skills is an exciting venture for us.

We look forward to helping build the confidence and skills of children across all ages in a safe and supportive environment and can’t wait to meet all our existing grasshoppers.”

Corey henderson family pic

Please welcome the Henderson’s to the Grasshopper Soccer Franchise Family.